
Michel Buble Connection & YYC 2010 Concert

Hello World,

First of all this post is very fitting at today September 9 is Michael Bubles 35 Birthday!

I just thought that we would share some pictures with you from the latest Michael Buble Concert here in Calgary YYC. Nancy is a huge fan of Michel’s music and style. She loves all Frank Sinatra music and the oldie classics. What is even better is the entertainment that Michael brings into the shows and some really funny jokes and hockey talk. Michel is a big hockey fan of the Vancouver Canucks and hockey in general – their “all access” pass has a picture of him in a hockey jersey on Ice – so funny.

Well on personal note Nancy went to high school in Burnaby BC with Michael they shared lots of classes together and and on many occasions shared math homework…  well maybe it would have been beneficial to study harder – haha. Both went on different musical paths. Michael’s talent and persistence and help of his grand father got him you know where – a world wide stardom and Nancy became a piano teacher, trumpet player and photographer. haha – still striving to achieve the world wide stardom in that genre.

We tried really hard to get a VIP back stage pass to say hi but he is now too big and too famous and they really need to keep the nut-case fans away. Even though we are not one of them but still its hard to do the day of the concert. I managed to talk to his stage manager and the tour manager the day before the event and even to stand in the middle of the Saddledome floor as the stage was being set up for he next day’s show.

We were lucky though to say hi to the MB 7 years ago when he was singing at the Jack Singer Hall in 2003- here is the proof – haha we look so much younger back then. So we went back stage and asked to see him they checked and came back with a positive answer: come on right back. As we came in MB said – ” hey Nancy how are you – long time no see” after a short chat more music record guys wanted to talk to him so we said our goodbyes and took a picture together. So here is our old pic and some pictures from the latest concert in Calgary.

Would be nice if HanaFoto could do his wedding next year – well we can dream on 🙂

Here are images from Michael Buble Concert. Taken with our Point and Shoot Canon G7 from across the whole stadium! and while being eyed by an over-zalous security guard – LOL

and lastly our pic with the artist him self from 2003 when we all were still young and had silly smiles 🙂

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