
Laura & Manuel Wedding – HanaFoto – Vancouver Wedding Photographer

Wow, another destination wedding for HanaFoto. This time we ventured back to our old playground Vancouver! We photographed an amazing wedding of Laura & Manuel. The secret ingredient in every relationship, great wedding photography and long lasting friendship is love! There sure was lots of love in the air it even melted away the rain clouds of the morning. Just in time for the “I do’s” the sun beams came into the sanctuary through the stain-glass windows illuminating the ceremony of these two great people engulfed in the love of their families. Or AMORE for all the Italian family – who came all the way from Italia to witness Manuel getting married to the beautiful Laura.

They were whisked away in a 1947 Nash police car that was brought in by the Chief & Deputy of the New Westminster Police force. Off we went to Stanley Park and the new Convention Center to take some amazing images of the couple. Then it was off to the Famee Furlane for some of the best speeches we ever heard and some dancing. The Dinner was opened by Laura’s cousin Paul who sang a prayer and it was simply spectacular.

We wish Laura & Manuel all the best in their lives together and much Amore

Here are some preliminary images from the wedding – full post coming up later

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