
Happy Birthday Leilani!!

Our oldest daughter turns 5 today!!

Happy Birthday and all the best in your life. May the Lord bless you with many wonderful life experiences.

Its been wonderful but hard, at times, 5 years with Leilani – Our first baby, our heavenly flower – as her Hawaiian name goes Lei-Lani, she was strong to make it through her injury due to a battery swallowing incident, when she was 9 months old, that kept us in the Children’s hospital for 2 weeks, but she is all good now  our little Energizer Bunny 🙂  The Lord showed us the meaning of trust and humbleness through those experiences. Cherishing every day we have and enjoying life to the fullest. Sometimes we forget those days and go about our ways forgetting the more important things in life.

Leilani is a big sister to her 2 little sisters, she is keen at learning languages often asking me to read her books in German,Slovak, Spanish or just normal as “I speak” not wanting me to make up funny text and my own interpretations of books. Its always a adventure with our 15 I mean 5 year old.

Here are few pictures of her, she probably has the most pictures from all of our kids as we had more time to take pictures.

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