
Firefighter Live Burn Excercise – Strathmore – HanaFoto Event Coverage

I had the pleasure to document a firefighter training day in Strathmore – culminating with a house burn down!  A company donated a old house to the Strathmore Fire Department for exercise and training. These wonderful firemen and ‘fire women’ had opportunity to experience a controlled house fire – test their skills and learn new techniques. I salute you all firemen and thank you for your time, talent and dedication to saving lives and property.

Deputy Chief Randy Adams:  “The burn was an awesome learning experiences for everyone involved. Some of whom were inside a burning structure for the first time. 29 firefighters from Strathmore Rural halls in Strathmore Town Fire Department and Carseland along with the Town of Strathmore attended.”

Also on the scene were ERT Services monitoring everyone’s vitals and keeping an eye on things.


here are some of my favorites:

and here me – Mr. HanaFoto in firefighter pants – sweating and getting smoked out! – but most of all having fun!

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