Well its been an exciting week in the Ortiz family! (That’s my maiden name) My big brother, Sam, and his wife had their first baby! He is so cute and content, I still haven’t heard him cry! We are so, so happy for them. A little baby for God. A Samuel.
He was 9 days late, delivered by C-section, but mom and baby are doing well. My brother is so proud! The first few photos are when he was 3 days old, then a mini-photoshoot when he was 6 days old, already much more alert! He is so happy and content, just hangin’ with Aunty Nancy! (Note Juliette being a proud big cousin!)
3 days new:
Proud Dad!
We are just loving him! 2 of my girls, and my other nephew, Sammy!Juliette just loves him too!